Aquatic Conversations | Antoine Bertin

© Marin Le Roux
An artistic, scientific and technological investigation of the complex communication methods beneath the ocean’s surface.

Antoine Bertin’s research engages in an audiovisual exploration of the conversations between aquatic species through the use of sound recordings and machine learning. This research draws on machine listening techniques to decode the intricate communication methods of marine life communication. 

During this residency project Antoine and Ohme collaborate on the design and composition of an intimate radiophonic plea for marine species, blending spoken word, sculptures and immersive soundscapes, drawing the audience into the fascinating world of listening to the ocean.

To support Antoine’s research, Ohme Lab is developing a system that transforms marine recordings into point cloud structures through machine learning. These structures will be used in digital art visualisations and 3D printing.

The microscope enabled humans to see anew, with both our eyes and our imaginations. Digital acoustics are an invention of similar significance. Like the microscope, they function like a scientific prosthetic: as they extend our sense of hearing, they expand our perceptual and conceptual horizons.

— Karen Bakker, The Sounds of Life.

Première: 27.09.24 as part of CurieuCity Festival

About the artist

Antoine Bertin is a European artist working at the intersection of science and sensory immersion, field recording and sound storytelling, data and music composition. His creations take the form of listening experiences, immersive moments and audio meditations exploring our relationships with the living world. His work has been presented at Tate Britain, Palais de Tokyo, Serpentine Gallery, KIKK festival, STRP festival, Sonar+D, CCCB Barcelona, Dutch Design Week, Nuit Blanche Paris, le 104, Centre Wallonie Bruxelles, Gaité Lyrique. He produces a quarterly show called “Edge of the forest” on NTS radio weaving together field recordings, data sonifications and science inspired meditations.

Studio Antoine Bertin was created in 2018, bringing together a multidisciplinary team that develops, produces and delivers listening experiences. Studio Antoine Bertin is based in Paris and Alicudi Island and works internationally.



Artist : Antoine Bertin
Scientist : Sara Keen (Earth Species Project)
Code and experience design: Cristina Tarquini
Code and prototyping: Marianne de Heer Kloots (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), François Bronchart (Ohme)
Production: Sonia Gaspard (Studio Antoine Bertin), Nicolas Klimis (Ohme)

Academic Partners: ZHDK (Zurich University of the Arts)
Curatorial Counseling: Camilla Colombo (Ohme)

Co-production: Ohme

This research is co-produced by Ohme in the framework of Ohme’s artistic residencies program,
in dialogue with Earth Species Project, supported by Innoviris and Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.