
Ohme Academia is an educational and research center focusing on interdisciplinary initiatives in partnership with various higher education institutions.

With recent movements as STEAM education and ArtScience, a worldwide wave of integration between arts, sciences and technologies is opening doors about how to learn, research and think. This transversal and creative emergence raises many questions which have to be addressed in education from preschool to university, as well as in academic research from social to formal sciences.

Ohme aims at supporting, reinforcing and contributing to these new movements by designing and coordinating innovative learning programmes, by developing new interdisciplinary and collaborative practices, and by making artists, teachers, researchers and designers collaborate on topics going beyond their respective disciplines.

With these goals in mind, on the one hand Ohme takes an active part in educational projects and programmes involving artistic and scientific actors, with a strong focus on collaboration, creativity, interdisciplinarity and project-based learning. On the other hand, Ohme contributes to the development of knowledge in ArtScience by stimulating action-based research, by exploring new forms of interdisciplinary collaborations and by elaborating science outreach activities.

Our partners includes universities and institutes (Université libre de Bruxelles, École nationale supérieure des arts visuels (ENSAV) de La Cambre, Vrij Universiteit Brussels, Institut royal d’Aéronomie Spatiale de Belgique, MAD Home of Creators), teaching and research departments (BEAMS Bio, Electro And Mechanical Systems, Atelier de Communication Visuelle et Graphique de La Cambre, Atelier de Design Industriel de La Cambre, CoDE Computer and Decision Engineering, ENMS Engineering of Molecular NanoSystems, OPERA Optique, Photonique, Electromagnétisme, Radiocommunications et Acoustique, ETRO VUB Electronics and Informatics, Cardiology department Erasme ULB, STEP Service Traitement des Eaux et Pollution), education departments (Inforsciences, Inforpolytech, BAPP, etc).