Machines for Good

Can Artificial Intelligence be not only a tool but also a topic to discuss?
Starting from this challenge, 4 European organizations – Baltan Laboratories, Fundación Zaragoza Ciudad del Conocimiento – FZC, Ohme, led by Sineglossa – launch Machines for Good, a new European project funded by the European Commission under the CERV program.
CERV stands for Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values: it’s a program launched in 2021 by the European Union that will run for seven years, until 2027. It seeks to support and develop open, rights-based, democratic, equal and inclusive societies based on the rule of law. This includes a vibrant and empowered civil society, encouraging people’s democratic, civic and social participation and cultivating the rich diversity of European society, based on our common values, history and memory.
Machines for Good will contribute to achieve this goal by using AI not only as a tool but also as a driver of participation of youngsters, when combined with arts. To do so, the project plans a series of training workshops in each country where partners are based – Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain – aimed at teenagers and young people, in which artificial intelligence tools will be shown and used to critically address issues related to 4 technology challenges: technology and sustainability, technology and democracy, technology and climate change, and technology and community.
From these workshops, a set of guidelines will emerge and will be discussed with local and international policy makers and stakeholders. As a last step, a document of policy recommendations will be published, aiming to increase awareness on Artificial Intelligence and its potential for citizen’s participation.
On 12 and 13 July 2023, Ohme hosted two interactive workshops at FARI, the AI Institute for the Common Good, to explore practical responses to societal problems using AI.
Working with citizens, AI experts and professionals, we explored how these technologies can be applied to two important sectors for the sustainability of our communities: food and the circular economy. How can these new tools have a positive impact on society? How real can this impact be?
In partnership with The Barn Bio Market – Brussels | La Ferme du parc Maximilien | Kroket | Le Pédalo | Terroirist
Mission: To meet the challenges of a Brussels partner active in the food sector by exploring the possibilities and limits of these new technologies.
This workshop also focused on the ethical and societal issues involved in implementing such tools, in order to provide an overview of this highly topical subject.
In partnership with Repair together
Mission: To respond to various challenges such as repairability and programmed obsolescence by exploring the possibilities and limits of these new technologies.
This workshop also focused on the ethical and societal issues involved in implementing such tools, in order to provide an overview of this highly topical subject.
On 30 November 2023, Ohme hosted at FARI a morning of talks and exchanges to explore the potential of artificial intelligence combined with art to enhance civil participation and engagement in democratic processes, with a focus on climate change issues. This event – free upon registration – was designed for an audience of policymakers, researchers and civil servants working in Belgian public administrations.
9:30 – 10:00 : Reception of participants and the public at FARI’s premises in Be-Central (Cantersteen 16, 1000 Brussels)
10:00 – 10:40 : First talk by Neena Singh of Knowledge center – Data & Society, the central hub for the legal, social and ethical aspects of data-driven applications and AI applications presenting Amai! – Boosting AI Literacy and co-creating AI Solutions for societal challenges.
10:40 – 11:00 : Coffee break
11:00 – 11:40 : Second talk by Antoine Bertin, a French artist working with the research centre Earth Species Project to decode animal language using AI to develop innovative forms of sensibilisation and advocacy practices to raise public awareness on climate change issues.
11:40 – 12:30 : Panel talk with the morning’s speakers and a representative from FARI
12:30 – 13:30 : Networking Lunch
On 22 March 2024, Ohme organised the grand finale of Machines for Good, an international webinar recounting the activities and reflections of this project at the intersection of AI, the arts and social commitment.
What: The culminating online event that unveils the conclusions from a year of activities across Europe, where participants were invited to explore the fusion of AI technology and creativity in addressing issues like sustainability, democracy, climate change, and community.
Why: Learn about the potential transformative power of AI not just as a tool but as a force driving citizen participation. Discover the ideas, solutions, and artistry that have emerged from these workshops, sparking a ripple effect of positive change.
Who: Engage with policymakers, stakeholders, and thought leaders as they dive into the guidelines and policy recommendations shaped by the fresh perspectives of our participants. It’s a conversation that transcends disciplines, fostering dialogue around the role of AI in shaping our shared future.
13:00 – 13:15 INTRODUCTION
13:15 – 13:30 KEYNOTE : Pr. Hugues Bersini, Director of Iridia, Artificial Intelligence research laboratory of the Université Libre de Bruxelles
13:30 – 14:10 MACHINES FOR GOOD: WHAT HAVE WE LEARNED? Conclusions by organisation
AI for sustainable development ➤ Sineglossa (IT)
AI for communities ➤ Baltan Laboratories (NL)
AI for climate ➤ Ohme (BE)
AI for democracy ➤ Fundación Zaragoza Ciudad del Conocimiento – FZC (ES)
14:30 – 15:00 Give your feedback + Q&A
Baltan Laboratories is a cultural indisciplinary lab based in Eindhoven (NL). Baltan Lab focuses on societal issues through a relational approach, creating spaces to rehearse living otherwise. In a world full of complexity, Baltan Lab stands for the importance of interactions between different disciplines to achieve a relational approach able to respond to the environmental, political, social, economic and technological issues we must address today.
Ohme is an organisation based in Brussels (BE) that creates and produces original content at the intersection of Arts and Sciences. Drawing on a multidisciplinary team of engineers and professionals from the cultural sector as well as a large scientific and artistic network, Ohme’s objective is to develop new forms of scientific mediation, multidisciplinary artistic creation, education and innovation through collaborative practices.
Sineglossa is a cultural organisation based in Ancona (IT) that fosters new sustainable development models in response to global challenges by applying the processes of contemporary art.
Zaragoza City of Knowledge Foundation (FZC)/Etopia is a private non-profit foundation founded in 2004 based in Zaragoza (ES). Its founding objectives include the dissemination of the progress made by the Knowledge Society to build a more participative, equalitarian, inclusive, and innovative society; open to new developments and opportunities offered when we work at the intersection of art, science and technology.