artist residency

Call for applications | Sustainable Robotics ’25 residency

Open call for applications for an artist residency on the theme of sustainable robotics.

Apply before 15/12/2024, 23:59 (CET)

Each year, Ohme supports and offers its expertise to several artists in artistic and technical residencies. Through this initiative, and according to the specific needs of each artist, Ohme actively supports the conception and the conception and production of innovative artistic projects, provides solid technical and scientific support in research and development, networks with experts and researchers, and promotes exchanges between art, science and technology.

For the second year, together with BrIAS, co-founded and led by the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and the Vrije Universiteit Brussels (VUB), Ohme is launching the second call for artists on the theme of sustainable robotics, artificial intelligence and automation.

The newly founded Brussels Institute for Advanced Studies (BrIAS), aims to expand upon the mission of other IASes (Institutes for Advanced Studies) as an incubator of ideas and research by focusing on current and urgent themes with a great societal impact. Located in the heart of Brussels, it aims to attract the very best scientists, artists or designers, coming from various fields or countries and with no philosophical or political restriction, and provide the opportunity to work in an atmosphere of complete freedom, collaboration, mutual emulation and cross-fertilisation. In this context, BrIAS aims to facilitate collaborations with countries facing critical challenges pertaining to sustainability.

For its 2025 edition, BrIAS continues on the sustainable robotics theme with a broader focus including AI and automation. As Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automated Devices become an integral part of our lives, it has become critical to understand if they can be truly durable and how they could optimally contribute to sustainability as a whole.

International specialists and experts from various fields are invited to Brussels on several occasions between January and May 2025 to discuss how robotics, AI and automation can contribute to facing the worldwide challenges identified by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as poverty, inequality and climate change.

Description of the residency:

The call is open to individual artists or collectives (hereby the artist). The selected artist will take part in the 2025 BrIAS programme, discussions and work sessions relating to the issues listed above and always in relation to the annual theme of sustainable robotics, artificial intelligence and automation . The artist will meet and collaborate with about twenty ‘Fellows’, specialists in their fields selected by BrIAS, who will be residing at USquare throughout the programme.

Within this framework, the artist will be involved in an artistic research project linked to the programme, benefiting from the support and guidance of Ohme, and drawing inspiration from and inspiring the programme’s interdisciplinary community. 

The residency will culminate in two days of events including research presentations, workshops, and interactive sessions designed for young Brussels artists and the general public. These activities aim to bridge interdisciplinary research with public engagement, emphasising how AI, robotics and automation are transforming the art world and everyday life. During this two-day event, a series of workshops will focus on interactive and practical sessions, targeting young artists, students, and curious citizens. 

In this context, the selected artist will be invited to lead a workshop, along with Ohme’s engineers, exploring how AI and robotics intersect with artistic creation and societal themes, and to give a presentation of their work.

These sessions will be bilingual and designed for various skill levels, making advanced technology accessible to all.

The event aims to foster dialogue between artists, technologists, and the public, highlighting the societal impact of automation and AI in both art and everyday life.

What we are looking for:

We are looking for projects at an advanced stage of development that can demonstrate a critical understanding of AI, robotics and automations, and that will allow the artist to start the residency on a concrete basis. The project should demonstrate an alignment with the BrIAS theme of sustainable robotics, AI and automation in correlation with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The artist should demonstrate an interest in and willingness to get involved in the BrIAS programme, and have a keen interest in the use of technology, or in its application in unexpected contexts. 

We are open to all media (visual arts, digital arts, performance, dance, theatre, music, video, etc.), although a willingness to use technology is a requirement. 

What we offer:

  • A budget of € 6000 HTVA to be divided between artist fee and production costs, depending on the project proposed.

Please note that the available budget for this residency is contingent upon public funding. We expect to have more precise information by early 2025, and will keep applicants informed as soon as the details are confirmed.

  • Access to a world-class scientific programme. Please note that this represents a commitment of roughly half day per week.
  • Access to the ULB and VUB fablabs, and Ohme Lab.
  • 5 days (to be defined) of support from Ohme’s artistic and technical team on a precise mission in mechatronics, electronics and/or artificial intelligence, and on curation.
  • Access to Ohme’s extensive university network and contact with scientists and researchers, depending on the artist’s needs.
  • Workspace in Ohme’s facilities at USquare depending on the artist’s needs.


  • To be an artist, a collective of artists or an artistic organisation, resident in Belgium. 
  • We are open to all media (visual arts, digital arts, performance, dance, theatre, music, video, etc.), although a willingness to use technology is a requirement. 
  • Fluency in English (language of the programme).
  • The ability to demonstrate an interest in the theme of robotics, AI and automation in your artistic practice, as the selected artist will have to actively contribute to the BrIAS program, whether in technical terms or in theoretical ones (philosophy, critical theory, ethics, etc.).

Skills in construction, mechanics and robotics are appreciated as the artist will be working with robotics specialists during the residency. But we are also open to investigate non mechatronics based propositions. 

Fluency in French and/or Dutch is also appreciated.

Calendar of the residency:

  • 15/12/2024, 23:59: application deadline
  • 18 – 20/12/2023: interviews of the shortlisted artists.
  • 6/01/2025: announcement of the selected artist.
  • From January to May 2025: period of residency. The precise starting date, as well as timetable for this period is to be agreed with Ohme. This includes participation and attendance at the BrIAS programme  (0,5 day/week), research and technical development phase in Ohme’s offices (if needed), access to fablabs, etc.
  • May 2025 : workshop for young artists / general public organised by Ohme
  • February/March 2026: presentation of the project within the framework of Ohme’s annual projects presentation.

How to apply?

Applications are to be submitted before 15/12/2024, 23:59, including the elements listed below in a single PDF to be sent to the following address:

  • A C.V. up to date.
  • A portfolio.
  • A text of one maximum page, in English, explaining your interest in the residency and the theme of sustainable robotics.
  • A statement, of two maximum pages, in English, relating to the artistic research project you wish to develop or refine, including a description of the project 
  • Images and/or drawings and diagrams, an explanation of the approach (what questions are raised, the implications, the influences, etc.).
  • A provisional budget.
  • The completed contact form to download here.

For any questions or further information regarding the Robotics, AI & Automation call, please email

Ohme and BrIAS look forward to hearing about your project and working with you within the framework of the 2025 programme.

Project partners

This residency programme is organised thanks to the support of Innoviris and the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles


Just Landed | Showcase

Early autumn of 2024, a new community of artists, designers and makers landed at the dynamic hub of USquare in Ixelles.

This marks an exciting new chapter within our innovative community. This collaborative environment brings together artists, makers, designers and academic researchers.⁣

From 18.10 to 27.11, come discover the work of: 

Aiko Design ● Nicolas Andry ● Clarice Calvo-Pinsolle ● Miguel Cipriano ● Crafteke & Earthstone ● Amandine David ● Maÿtu ● Meriem Steiner ● Studio Lemercier ● Studio Minimètre ● Nadja Meier ● Yami Moreno & David Ferreira ● Ohme & Frederik Vanhoutte ● Damien Petitot ● PYL ● Guillaume Thunis

Usquare – Building I
Avenue de la Couronne 227
B-1050 Ixelles, Belgium
WED – SUN • 2PM – 7PM


artist residency

Aquatic Conversations | Antoine Bertin

© Marin Le Roux
An artistic, scientific and technological investigation of the complex communication methods beneath the ocean’s surface.

Antoine Bertin’s research engages in an audiovisual exploration of the conversations between aquatic species through the use of sound recordings and machine learning. This research draws on machine listening techniques to decode the intricate communication methods of marine life communication. 

During this residency project Antoine and Ohme collaborate on the design and composition of an intimate radiophonic plea for marine species, blending spoken word, sculptures and immersive soundscapes, drawing the audience into the fascinating world of listening to the ocean.

To support Antoine’s research, Ohme Lab is developing a system that transforms marine recordings into point cloud structures through machine learning. These structures will be used in digital art visualisations and 3D printing.

The microscope enabled humans to see anew, with both our eyes and our imaginations. Digital acoustics are an invention of similar significance. Like the microscope, they function like a scientific prosthetic: as they extend our sense of hearing, they expand our perceptual and conceptual horizons.

— Karen Bakker, The Sounds of Life.

Première: 27.09.24 as part of CurieuCity Festival

About the artist

Antoine Bertin is a European artist working at the intersection of science and sensory immersion, field recording and sound storytelling, data and music composition. His creations take the form of listening experiences, immersive moments and audio meditations exploring our relationships with the living world. His work has been presented at Tate Britain, Palais de Tokyo, Serpentine Gallery, KIKK festival, STRP festival, Sonar+D, CCCB Barcelona, Dutch Design Week, Nuit Blanche Paris, le 104, Centre Wallonie Bruxelles, Gaité Lyrique. He produces a quarterly show called “Edge of the forest” on NTS radio weaving together field recordings, data sonifications and science inspired meditations.

Studio Antoine Bertin was created in 2018, bringing together a multidisciplinary team that develops, produces and delivers listening experiences. Studio Antoine Bertin is based in Paris and Alicudi Island and works internationally.



Artist : Antoine Bertin
Scientist : Sara Keen (Earth Species Project)
Code and experience design: Cristina Tarquini
Code and prototyping: Marianne de Heer Kloots (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), François Bronchart (Ohme)
Production: Sonia Gaspard (Studio Antoine Bertin), Nicolas Klimis (Ohme)

Academic Partners: ZHDK (Zurich University of the Arts)
Curatorial Counseling: Camilla Colombo (Ohme)

Co-production: Ohme

This research is co-produced by Ohme in the framework of Ohme’s artistic residencies program,
in dialogue with Earth Species Project, supported by Innoviris and Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.

announcement poster of biometrika project artist residency

Call for applications | biometrika residency

announcement poster of biometrika project

With biometrika, Ohme and Pilar are joining forces for an open call for an artist residency exploring the interactions between biometrics, human expression and the arts. 

This project, at the intersection of the performing arts and digital technologies, is a unique opportunity for collaboration between artists, engineers and researchers. 

The residency enables innovative artistic experimentation by offering access to Pilar Box’s performance space and equipment, to the biometric technologies developed by Ohme Lab engineers, to the new ‘sensor library’ of the FARI inter-university institute (ULB/VUB), and the scientific expertise of its researchers in the fields of artificial intelligence, data and robotics. 

Apply before 30/11/2024, 23:59 (CET)


In collaboration with FARI
As part of cultuurculture
Supported by Communauté française & Vlaamse Gemeenschap