F.A.S.T. | Femmes · Arts · Sciences · Technologies

F.A.S.T. Femmes Arts Sciences Technologies is a multidisciplinary cultural project conceived by students of the Master 1 in Cultural Management of the Université libre de Bruxelles, in the framework of a micro-project of their university course. This project resulted in an exhibition for the general public, organised in the exceptional setting of the High Voltage Laboratory of the Brussels School of Engineering.
Produced by Ohme and ULB Culture, F.A.S.T. aims to highlight the hidden intellectual production of women in the arts, sciences and technologies.
The exhibition consists of two main sections, historical and artistic, and addresses the issue of the invisibilisation of women in the history of these disciplines.
The entire F.A.S.T. project aims to create meeting points between the artistic and scientific disciplines, to highlight the academic community, to raise public awareness of gender equality and to value female intellectual production.
A Historical Perspective
The historical section includes a chronology of remarkable women in the history of the arts and sciences, as well as portraits of women who have distinguished themselves in fields such as medicine, painting, literature or physics.
These portraits are accompanied by historical commentaries that address the question of the place of women in the evolution of Western society. The exhibition also looks at the mechanisms of invisibilisation of women in the history of visual arts and scientific research, as well as at Artscience, an emerging creative field.
Contemporary works
In parallel, works and installations by emerging female contemporary artists based in the Brussels-Capital Region who integrate science and technology into their creative processes are presented. The artistic programme consists of Laura Colmenares Guerra, Nazanin Fakoor, Federica Fantini, Ophélie Lhuire and Claire Williams.
Each of them explores different scientific topics or uses technology in their practice to create unique visual and interactive art experiences.
Artists: Laura Colmenares Guerra | Nazanin Fakoor | Federica Fantini | Ophélie Lhuire | Claire Williams
The exhibition, inaugurated on Friday 11 February, has been accompanied by an afternoon and evening of activities on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, a joint UNESCO-UN initiative
The programme included two talks: The invisibilisation/invisibility of women in Science, Technology, Mathematics and Engineering. A dialogue with the humanities and social sciences – with Mériam Hammou, Nathalie Stéphenne, Karine Van Doninck, Caroline Closon, Olivier Debeir, Sara Aguirre – in collaboration with CALIPER and STRIGES; and Femmes artistes: (in)visibles dans l’histoire, et aujourd’hui? with Claire Williams, Lyse Vancampenhoudt, Juliette Bibasse, Camilla Colombo.
The evening was closed with two live performances by Pauline Miko and Fleur.
11 February – 6 March 2022
High Voltage Laboratory
Ecole polytechnique de Bruxelles
Curation: Students of Master 1 in Cultural Management of ULB: Kelina Cierro, Annick Duez, Coralie Hazan, Matthias Hercot,Tong Hu, Alexandra Lahaut, Lucile Lambert, Néphélie Muletier, Thiernaud Panier, Nicolas Taboulot, Camille Toulmond,Tiffany Van Delsen, Elise Vander Goten, Hortense Van Loock, Estelle Vecray // Ohme
Scenography: Marie Douel
Light Design: Chris Pype
Exhibition ‘F.A.S.T.’ at the ULB: ‘We highlight invisible women in art and science’ // BRUZZ // 22.02.2022
DECLIC: Le meilleur pour la fin L’Exposition FAST (Femmes Arts Sciences Technologies) à l’ULB // La Première – Françoise Baré // 21.02.2022
Bruxelles vit ! – F.A.S.T. à l’ULB // BX1 – Charlotte Maréchal // 21.02.2022
Haute Tension, somptueux décor scientifique // La Libre – Guy Duplat // 13.02.2022
F.A.S.T. is an exhibition by Ohme, in co-production with ULB Culture.
Partners : ULB Culture, Ecole polytechnique de Bruxelles (ULB), Faculté des Sciences (ULB), BEAMS (Bio- Electro- And Mechanical Systems), CALIPER (Gender Equality in STEM Research – ULB), Inforsciences (ULB), ULB – Année Thématique, Saloon Brussels
Supported by : Innoviris, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Ville de Bruxelles, Commune d’Ixelles, Commune d’Etterbeek, Loterie Nationale, Université libre de Bruxelles, Union des Anciens Etudiants de l’ULB