des images qui se regardent
“L’œil ne voit pas les choses mais des figures de choses qui signifient d’autres choses.”
Italo Calvino, Les Villes invisibles
When we look at something, do we really see it? Do our eyes really see things, or only images of them?
By asking these questions, IMG brings together images that belong to two distant universes, art and science, which seem to share nothing but their nature as images. Yet a surprising dynamic of parallels and analogies emerges, becoming evident as soon as they are presented together.
Based on art critic John Berger’s reflections presented in “Ways of Seeing” (1972), IMG explores the concept of the image as an abstraction of the physical object to which it is normally linked. By removing the materiality of the artworks and laboratory samples, and simply presenting the images printed on a semi-transparent floating immersive structure, the exhibition invites the public into a game of transparencies, overlaps and similarities, where the boundaries between art and science are blurred to make way for images alone, challenging the viewer’s perception and preconceptions.
Through a selection of microscopic images from the laboratories of the Université libre de Bruxelles, as well as images of works of art from the collections of the Musée d’Ixelles, .IMG invites us to enter into a game of transparencies, overlaps and similarities where the boundaries between art and science are blurred to make way only for images. Images in which we can then, perhaps, see something else.

Anna Boch | Jules Chéret | Gisbert Combaz | Gustave De Smet | Jean Delville | Maurice Dupuis | James Ensor | Alfred Hazledine | Pal Horvarth | Eugène Laermans | Godfried Schalcken | Léon Spilliaert | Théo Van Rysselberghe | Fernand Verhaegen
Fabien Baldacci – Cresp | Marie Baucher | Fatima El Atrassi | Florence Haudin | Daniel Martinez Tong | Daniel Monteyne | Jihad Moussawi | David Perez-Morga| | Guillaume Schweicher | Priscillia Simmonis | Laure Twyffels | Quentin Willot
Original Concept: Camilla Colombo
Curation: Camilla Colombo, Ohme and Claire Leblanc, Musée d’Ixelles
Scenography: Marie Douel
Photographic consultant: Laetitia Bica
Structure realisation: Maude Matot
Translations: Frans Robert
Graphic design: TAVU
Printing: Eco Print, TAVU
Technical team : Marie Douel, Remi Genon, Florian Jehin, Nicolas Klimis, Gwen Sauvage, Teo Serra, Paul Servais, Raoul Sommeillier
.IMG is an exhibition conceived and produced by Ohme, in collaboration with the Musée d’Ixelles, the Faculty of Sciences and the Inforsciences Department of the ULB – Université libre de Bruxelles.
Presented at See U in Brussels, from 12 August to 5 September 2020
Histoire de Savoir – 14/09/2020 – 18h15 – Ohme // Radio Campus – Thomas Linckx // 14.09.2020
Exposition : IMG | des images qui se regardent – Quand l’art fait un clin d’oeil à la science // RTBF – Xavier Ess // 15.08.2020
IMG invite le public à découvrir l’art moderne de manière ludique // Het Nieuwsblad – Amaury Michaux // 12.08.2020
.IMG – Des images qui se regardent // Focus Le Vif // 06.08.2020