
Exploiting the physical characteristics of thermocromatic crystals, Ιρις/Iris is an installation playing on the principle of the non-existence of colours outside the interaction of matter and light.

The inner surface of the installation is traversed by hot and cold air flows, which heat and cool the liquid crystals. This change in temperature physically intervenes at the structural level of the material, modifying the arrangement of the molecules, thus creating the colour shifts. The changing colours then become traces of the air itself, visualising flows of heat and cold invisible to the naked eye. 

As the greek Greek goddess and messenger of the gods Iris, who, descending from Mount Olympus to bring a message to earth, was leaving rainbows as a sign of her passage, Ιρις/Iris makes visible in her everchanging colours the traces of the changing air fluxes that invest the installation.



Conception and realisation (thermochromic crystals): Nicolas Klimis, Guillaume Schweicher
Conception and realisation (thermodynamic system): François Bronchart, Raoul Sommeillier
Design: Francois Bronchart, Raoul Sommeillier
Woodwork: Thomas Raa (Aiko Design)

Presented at:
COULEUR/LUMIÈRE exhibition, La Maison des Arts de Schaerbeek | 16 September – 6 November 2022
Opening I Love Science Festival by Innoviris, Tour & Taxi, Brussels | 14 October 2022


Couleur/Lumière, Ohme à la Maison des Arts à Schaerbeek – A la croisée des arts et des sciences // Interview // RTBF – MUSIQ3 – Culture / 17.09.22

La couleur n’existe pas en soi // Guy Duplat – La Libre // 18.09.22

Ιρις/Iris is conceived and produced by Ohme

Partner: Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères (ULB)

Supported by: Innoviris, Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, La Maison des Arts de Schaerbeek