R€¥€R$€ | Laura Colmenares Guerra
REVERSE is a 30′ Virtual Reality piece that deepens into the complex situation of Amazonia. More than half of the Amazon region, 66 per cent of it, is subject to permanent pressure due to human extractive practices such as oil and mineral exploitation, road infrastructure development, ranching, agricultural activity and hydroelectric plants. Deforestation, burning, and loss of carbon stocks are proof of the large-scale transformations taking place in Amazonia.
The ancestral Indigenous Peoples’ and the biome of the Rainforest are endangered by the rapid deforestation and exploitation of natural resources. The extractivist practices operating in the region have caused irreparable damage to these vital ecosystems, threatening the survival of countless species of plants and animals. The loss of these valuable resources impacts the local communities who rely on them for their livelihoods and has far-reaching global consequences. It is imperative that we take action to protect and preserve the Rainforest and its inhabitants before it’s too late.
REVERSE underlines the tensions present in the territory, where human, cultural and environmental aspects rub with power, economics and multinational interests in a context of climate stress in which importance of preserving this unique ecosystem is vital for the survival of the current life on Earth.

Conception, direction, production, Laura Colmenares Guerra
Unreal developer, François Zajéga
Unreal environment & lighting, Samson Michel
Animation & compositing, Laura Colmenares Guerra
CG & VFX supervisor, Laura Colmenares Guerra
Sound design & Music composition, Loup Mormont
Amazon sound field recordings, Jana Irmert
Studio recordings, Antonin Simon
English VO, Emma Dingwall
French VO, Sarah Hebborn
Text editor, Camilla Colombo
Dutch VO, Nina Mallants
Portuguese VO, Fernanda Stefanski
Spanish VO, Laura Colmenares Guerra
Text corrections and translations, Anne Vereecken / Elly Mc Donald / Joachim Devillé / Santiago Colmenares Guerra
REVERSE, Co-Produced by OHME
Presented at:
Ríos Trilogy, KULT XL Ateliers | 12 May – 13 June 2023
The Ríos Trilogy has been produced thanks to the support of Flanders State of the Art and the Digital Arts Commission of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles/Officiel
R€¥€R$€ is co-produced by Ohme in the framework of Ohme’s artistic residencies programme, supported by Innoviris and Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and presented by Ohme with the support of the Commune d’Ixelles