Recherche en Perspective

Sciences and technologies, especially in academic research, can be hard to understand… and sometimes even harder to explain. In 2018, looking for a way to tackle this, we had an idea: getting scientific researchers and visual communication students around the table, inviting them to work together on projects at once visually attractive and scientifically enlightening.

Working closely with the pedagogical team of the Visual and Graphic Communication department of La Cambre Arts Visuels, as well as with PhD candidates, scientists and Professors from the various research department of the Université libre de Bruxelles, we started exploring mutually beneficial ways to build exchanges between very different, but equally creative minds. A few weeks later, we launched the first pilot year of Recherche en Perspective.

Each academic year since 2018, master’s students in Visual and Graphic Communication and researchers in different scientific fields share, learn from each other and exchange on how to best popularize, represent and communicate highly complex scientific research, for the benefit of a large audience as well as the artists and scientists themselves.

The outcomes? For each scientific research, an explicatory panel / poster aiming at representing and explaining the complex scientific research topics. And to spice it up a bit, they also created more interpretative, abstract and personal artworks, depicting the way the artists are inspired by the scientific topics of research.

Artworks 2023

Mycorrhizal fungi
How do fungi impact plants in stress conditions?

Graphic design : Amandine KERVYN

In collaboration with

Assistant Professor
Applied Biological Sciences (DBIT)
Biology Department (VUB)

Comment les sciences évoluent-elles ?

Graphic design: Léonie LEFERE

In collaboration with

PhD in Chemistry
Faculty of Sciences (ULB)


Graphic design : William DENIS

In collaboration with

FNRS FRESH grantee 1st grant
ENSAV La Cambre and ULB

The Moon Goose Analogue
Advertising campaign, graphic identity and posters

Graphic design: Ewan A. LOPES

In collaboration with

FNRS FRESH grantee 1st grant
ENSAV La Cambre and ULB


D’où viennent les déchets radioactifs ?

Graphic design : Hippolyte LESSELIERS

In collaboration with

PhD in Philosophy
Researcher at École polytechnique de Bruxelles (ULB)

Comment fait-on pousser des tomates ?

Graphic design: Clémentine BOST

In collaboration with
FNRS Postdoctoral researcher
FNRS Senior Research Associate

Earth and Life Institute, Earth & Climate ELIC, UCL
ENSAV La Cambre and ULB


La variabilité climatique dans les modèles

Graphic design: Mélissa REA

In collaboration with
FNRS Postdoctoral researcher
FNRS Senior Research Associate

Earth and Life Institute, Earth & Climate ELIC, UCL
ENSAV La Cambre and ULB

Pourquoi les chercheur·se·s peuvent-ielles se tromper ?

Graphic design: Mélina ASPRIDIS

In collaboration with

PhD in Chemistry
Faculty of Science (ULB)


Artworks 2022


Graphic design : Jana KATANIC

In collaboration with

Aspirante F.R.S-FNRS
Département des Sciences sociales et des Sciences du Travail
Faculté de Philosophie et Sciences sociales (ULB)


Graphic design: Mathilde BOUSSANGE

In collaboration with

Professor and researcher in the field of theoretical computer science and discrete mathematics

Co-director of the Algorithms Research Group
Computer Science Department
Faculty of Sciences (ULB)


Graphic design : Zoé Kamalic

In collaboration with
Adrien Lucca

FRArt FNRS Fellow
Professeur de Couleurs à La Cambre


Booklet and posters
Graphic design: Zahra Eddaif

In collaboration with
Lucas Secades & Julia Thieffry

Founders of Tulipal

Artworks 2021


Series of 9 posters
Graphic design: Cécile CUNY

In collaboration with
PhD Candidate Raoul SOMMEILLIER

Independent transdisciplinary research at
Ohme Academia

Research in Science Education at
 Bio, Electro And Mechanical Systems (BEAMS)
Brussels School of Engineering (ULB)


Graphic design : Raphaëlle KERN

In collaboration with
PhD Candidate Orianne BASTIN

Research in biomechanical device at
Micro-Bio-Mechatronics Research Unit
Bio, Electro And Mechanical Systems (BEAMS-µTech)
Brussels School of Engineering (ULB)


Graphic design: Arthur DUBOIS

In collaboration with
FNRS Postdoctoral Fellow 

Research in Organic Electronics at
Department of Chemistry
Laboratory of Polymer Chemistry
Faculty of Sciences (ULB)


Edition et poster
Graphic design : Caroline ROHN

In collaboration with
Fariha ALI
Project manager

Action-based research at
Migrations, au-delà des préjugés
ULB engagée ASBL
Université libre de Bruxelles


Edition & poster
Graphic design: Margot LASSOIE

In collaboration with
Dr. Wassilis TZEVELECOS &
Prof. Jean-Louis MIGEOT

Microgravity Research Center (MRC)
Physical Chemistry Department
Brussels School of Engineering (ULB)

Posters 2020

Artworks 2020


Graphic design: Lucie FAURÈS

Inspired by the PhD thesis of Amine HOSSEIN entitled “Design and implementation of a multidimensional ballistocardiograph
for automated monitoring of cardiac contractility.”

More info


Graphic design : Annaëlle GOLFIER

Inspired by the research of Prof. Gilles BRUYLANTS about “Délivrance d’acides nucléiques à l’aide de nanoparticules”

More info


Création éditoriale
Graphic design: Flore SANCHEZ

Inspired by the PhD thesis of Laurent STORRER entitled “Monitoring of crowd dynamics with passive radars based on WiFi signals”

More info


Immersive projection
Graphic design : Anne-Lise DEPIERRE

Inspired by the PhD thesis of Amine HOSSEIN entitled “Design and implementation of a multidimensional ballistocardiograph
for automated monitoring of cardiac contractility.”

More info


Graphic design: Louis-Pierre CAUSSANEL

Inspired by the PhD thesis of Laurent STORRER entitled “Physicochemical Characterization of Chloride Transport across Lipid Membranes by Synthetic Molecular Carriers”

More info


Campagne publicitaire, identité visuelle, packagings, vidéo et affiche
Graphic design : Axel VILLAREAL

Inspired by the PhD thesis of Quentin DELHAYE entitled “Automated System Partitioning for Efficient 3D-ID Partitioning Using Hypergraphs”

More info


Graphic design: Louise SERVAN

Inspired by the research of Prof. Gilles BRUYLANTS about “Délivrance d’acides nucléiques à l’aide de nanoparticules”

More info


Graphic design : Chloé GAERTNER

Inspired by the PhD thesis of Quentin DELHAYE entitled “Automated System Partitioning for Efficient 3D-ID Partitioning Using Hypergraphs”

More info

Posters 2019

Artworks 2019

Graphic design: Anne-Lise DEPIERRE

Inspired by the PhD thesis of Glenn GRAUWELS entitled “Physicochemical Characterization of Chloride Transport across Lipid Membranes by Synthetic Molecular Carriers”

Graphic design : Laura SIMONATI

Inspired by the PhD thesis of Jean ROSENFELD entitled “An Extension of PROMETHEE to Multicriteria Clustering”

Graphic design: Lucie DAVID

Inspired by the PhD thesis of Raoul SOMMEILLIER entitled “Triggered Cognitive Rupture As a Way to Improve Learning and Invention Processes”

Animated short film
Graphic and motion designs : Sébastien RABASTE
Sound design : Victor GÉRARD

Inspired by the PhD thesis of Glenn GRAUWELS entitled “Physicochemical Characterization of Chloride Transport across Lipid Membranes by Synthetic Molecular Carriers”

Logo EPB fond transparent
La Cambre logo
Perspectives : Science – Graphic Art Collaborations

Perspectives : Science – Graphic Art Collaborations

The exhibition Perspectives retraces the editions of the academic project “Recherche en Perspective” for which students of the Master in Visual and Graphic Communication (ENSAV La Cambre) and ULB researchers from various disciplines have collaborated. Together, they co-created and produced communication materials that illustrate in an attractive and visual way scientific content that is sometimes difficult to grasp and communicate.

For although commitment to academic and scientific research aims to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in a specific field, this contribution is only meaningful if it is understood and shared.

Perspectives second edition | 2023/2024, ULB Campus Solbosch

The second edition of Perspectives retraces five editions of the academic project Recherche en Perspective, coordinated by Ohme and ENSAV La Cambre. The project involves Masters students in visual and graphic communication and researchers from a variety of specialisms in a collaborative process that emphasises interdisciplinarity, creativity, dialogue and mutual learning.

The fruit of these synergies is a set of 36 productions which are presented to you in a route through the public space on the Solbosch campus. These productions take a critical and creative look at the subjects, methods, objectives and issues at stake in the work of 23 researchers from a wide range of scientific disciplines: biomedical, electronics, sociology, chemistry, etc.

Discover the works on the campus until 15 February 2024!

Perspectives first edition | 2021, Halles Saint-Géry


Artists, graphic designers, illustrators:
Clémentine Bost | Mathilde Boussange | Louis-pierre Caussanel | Cécile Cuny | Manon Copper | Lucie David | William Denis | Anne-lise Depierre | Arthur Dubois | Lucie Faurès | Maria Fraga | Chloé Gaertner | Anaëlle Golfier | Zoé Kamalic | Jana Katanic | Raphaëlle Kern | Amandine Kervyn | Margot Lassoie | Léonie Lefere | Hippolyte Lesseliers | Ewan A. Lopes | Sébastien Rabaste | Mélissa Rea | Caroline Rohn | Flore Sanchez | Louise Servan | Laura Simonati | Mariia Timofeeva | Axel Villarreal

Scientists, researchers, doctoral students, professors:
Fariha Ali | Orianne Bastin | Gilles Bruylants | Jean Cardinal | Marie Cavitte | Louise Charlier | Quentin Delhaye | Félix Devaux | Gwenaël Diélie | Hugues Goosse | Glenn Grauwels | Amin Hossein | Céline Kermisch | Adrien Lucca | Jean- louis Migeot | Jean Rosenberg | Jean-Louis Migeot | Jean-Louis Migeot louis Migeot | Jean Rosenfeld | Joske Ruytinx | Guillaume Schweicher | Lucas Secades | Raoul Sommeillier | Laurent Storrer | Julia Thieffry | Wassilis Tzevelecos | Julia Van Dessel

Scenography 2023/24: Aiko Design

Scenography 2021: Studio Marie Douel

Graphic design: TAVU

Pedagogical coordination of Recherche en Perspective:
Marco Calant | Mathilde Collobert | Jean-manuel Duvivier | Chiquinquira Garcia | Loïc Gaume | Nicolas Rome | Gwen Sauvage | Raoul Sommeillier

Zoé Ceulemans | Marius Gilbert | Valentine Hogge | Léa Mellini | Aurélie Rousseau


In collaboration with ENSAV – La Cambre and Université libre de Bruxelles.

The 2023/24 edition has received the support of ENSAV La Cambre, Université libre de Bruxelles, Innoviris, Région de Bruxelles Capitale, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, FNRS – Fond Wernaers.

The 2021 edition has received the support of Innoviris, the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, the Ernest Solvay Fund managed by the Roi Baudouin Foundation, the Brussels-Capital Region and Urban Brussels.

Sustainable Robotics – Kris Verdonck & Dewi Brunet

Each year, Ohme supports and offers its expertise to artists through five artistic and technical residencies. Through this initiative, and according to the specific needs of each artist, Ohme actively supports the creation, production and diffusion of innovative artistic projects, provides solid technical and scientific support in research and development, networks with experts and researchers, and promotes exchanges between art, science and technology.

Ohme launched a call for artists on the theme of sustainable robotics in partnership with the Brussels Institute for Advanced Studies – BrIAS, and with FARI – Institute of Artificial Intelligence for the Common Good, both co-founded and co-led by the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and the Vrije Universiteit Brussels (VUB).

The selected artists are A Two Dogs Company – Kris Verdonck, and Dewi Brunet. 

A Two Dogs Company (ATDC) serves as the creative core for Kris Verdonck’s innovative projects in performing and transdisciplinary arts since 2010. Based in Brussels, ATDC operates as a network structure, collaborating with both permanent and freelance talents. Verdonck’s consistent exploration of the societal and ecological impacts of technological advancements fuels ATDC’s endeavors. His multidisciplinary approach blends theatrical and visual elements to create unique artistic expressions showcased in theaters, museums, and public spaces. 

ATDC, in collaboration with the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (KBIN), proposes the project Garden of the Future. This endeavour seeks to envision a future garden shaped by biodiversity loss and the integration of self-sustaining robots. Through an exhibition at the Museum of Natural Sciences, the project aims to deploy robots mimicking ecological functions of vanished animal species. Powered by renewable energy sources and devoid of traditional batteries, these robots will demonstrate a symbiotic relationship with their environment. ATDC’s artistic expertise, coupled with KBIN’s scientific insights, will drive this exploration, fostering dialogue between art, technology, and ecology.

This residency provides a platform to develop the ‘Garden of the Future’ project further. Through technical and scientific collaborations, the project aims to refine the design and functionality of robots while deepening the artistic and ecological narratives. By leveraging expertise from the arts, robotics, and biology, the residency seeks to create an innovative and educational experience that raises awareness of ecological dynamics and the role of technology in addressing climate change.

Dewi Brunet is a folding artist. Self-taught, he has been practising this discipline for over fifteen years. Still a little-known practice, he sees folding as a technique, a medium of expression and a multi-disciplinary field of research. Today, his artistic projects focus on the sensitive relationship between the living world and robots. Dewi’s practice delves into the realm of Oribotics, a fusion of nature, origami, and robotics pioneered by Matthew Gardiner

Dewi’s project seeks to blur further the boundaries between living organisms and machines through the creation of innovative Oribotics hybrids. Building upon previous collaborations and explorations, the project aims to cultivate new imaginaries by integrating advanced crumpling and pleating techniques. By expanding reflections to encompass various life forms, including plants, fungi, bacteria, and minerals, the artist endeavors to foster a sensitive perception of belonging to the natural world while addressing sustainability challenges.

The overarching goal of the residency is to deepen the research on organic/technologic hybrids and explore new aesthetic possibilities through advanced folding techniques. By refining existing projects, Dewi aims to not only optimise technical capabilities but also reimagine exhibition spaces for enhanced viewer engagement. Furthermore, the residency serves as a platform to investigate the potential of biobased materials in addressing ecological concerns while bridging the gap between art and science.


FARI is an independent and not-for-profit initiative that studies, develops, and fosters the adoption and governance of Artificial Intelligence, Data and Robotics technologies in an inclusive, ethical and sustainable way. Opened this year, this institute brings together world-leading researchers and experts in those fields to meet challenges at local level. 

The newly founded Brussels Institute for Advanced Studies – BrIAS, aims to expand upon the mission of other IASes as an incubator of ideas and research by focusing on current and urgent themes with a great societal impact. Located in the heart of Brussels, it aims to attract the very best scientists, artists or designers, coming from various fields or countries and with no philosophical or political restriction, and provide the opportunity to work in an atmosphere of complete freedom, collaboration, mutual emulation and cross-fertilisation. In this context, BrIAS aims to facilitate collaborations with countries facing critical challenges pertaining to sustainability.

For its 2024 edition, BrIAS has chosen the theme of sustainable robotics with the aim of exploring how robots and automated devices can contribute to sustainability in a world where they are becoming increasingly present. 

International robotics specialists and experts from various fields are invited to Brussels on several occasions between January and May 2024 to discuss how robotics can contribute to facing the worldwide challenges identified by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as poverty, inequality and climate change. Particular attention will be paid to issues relating to health, food and agriculture, peacekeeping, sustainable production and the management of electronic waste, as well as those relating to social inclusion, particularly through social robots.

Find out more about the theme

🔗 BrIAS programme
🔗 Sustainable Robotics
🔗 United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals

Laboratories involved in the project

🔗 SMIT VUB (Studies in Media, Innovation and Technology)
🔗 SAAS ULB (Department of Control Engineering and System Analysis)
🔗 R&MM VUB (Robotics & Multibody Mechanics Research Group)
🔗 BruBotics VUV (Brussels Human Robotics Research Center

Project Partners

This programme is organised thanks to the support of Innoviris and Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles 

Land of the (un)known (un)knowns | Mathilde Boussange

Commissioned especially for this exhibition Tell All The Truth But Tell It Slant, the Land of the (un)known (un)knowns playfully represents an imaginary territory where a multitude of elements connected to truth and knowledge find their place.

This map extends the cartographic metaphor beyond visual analogy, and exposes it as a narrative model and tool to intervene in complex, heterogeneous, dynamic realities, just like those of human geography.

From myths to sciences, from history to technology, this map intertwines domains and anecdotes, symbols and metaphors, placing them in a relational construct that highlights the correlations and connections between immense and aspects parts of our societies, cultures and practices.

Mathilde Boussange (1997) is a French illustrator and graphic designer based in Brussels. She holds a Master’s Degree in visual and graphic communication at École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Visuels La Cambre.
In this context, she participated in the project Recherche en Perspective, initiated and supervised by Ohme, which brings together students in this field with researchers.

Artistes en résidence 2022-2023

Artists in residency 2022-2023

In 2022 / 2023 we are kicking off our yearly programme to support research, residency, co-production and mediation of artistic projects linking art, science and technology. 

This programme allows us to support contemporary creation in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and to participate in the transmission of scientific and technological knowledge in the Brussels Region.

Each artist receives a personalised support, ranging from meeting and exchange with scientists, access to Ohme spaces and lab to work for short residencies, financial participation in research projects, technical research and development by Ohme Lab and the creation of a tailored artistic and scientific mediation.

While there is no obligation to the production of a final work, we invite the artists to participate in a public presentation of their project, focusing on their research – whether in progress or concluded – and to raise awareness of scientific topics and technologies. These events will take place between spring and autumn 2023.

For this first edition, we have selected 6 artists to work with, putting our skills and competences at the service of their creation, on an intermittent basis, for a period of 1 year. The artists with whom we have the pleasure of working are Damien Petitot, Studio Adrien Lucca, Laura Colmenares Guerra, Frederik Vanhoutte, Yannick Jacquet and Otto Lindholm

Stay tuned for more info !


This programme is organised thanks to the support of

the Digital Arts Commission of Wallonia-Brussels Federation and Innoviris

Machines for Good


Can Artificial Intelligence be not only a tool but also a topic to discuss? 

Starting from this challenge, 4 European organizations – Baltan Laboratories, Fundación Zaragoza Ciudad del Conocimiento – FZC, Ohme, led by Sineglossa – launch Machines for Good, a new European project funded by the European Commission under the CERV program

CERV stands for Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values: it’s a program launched in 2021 by the European Union that will run for seven years, until 2027. It seeks to support and develop open, rights-based, democratic, equal and inclusive societies based on the rule of law. This includes a vibrant and empowered civil society, encouraging people’s democratic, civic and social participation and cultivating the rich diversity of European society, based on our common values, history and memory.

Machines for Good will contribute to achieve this goal by using AI not only as a tool but also as a driver of participation of youngsters, when combined with arts. To do so, the project plans a series of training workshops in each country where partners are based – Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain – aimed at teenagers and young people, in which artificial intelligence tools will be shown and used to critically address issues related to 4 technology challenges: technology and sustainability, technology and democracy, technology and climate change, and technology and community.

From these workshops, a set of guidelines will emerge and will be discussed with local and international policy makers and stakeholders. As a last step,  a document of policy recommendations will be published, aiming  to increase awareness on Artificial Intelligence and its potential for citizen’s participation.

On 12 and 13 July 2023, Ohme hosted two interactive workshops at FARI, the AI Institute for the Common Good, to explore practical responses to societal problems using AI.

Working with citizens, AI experts and professionals, we explored how these technologies can be applied to two important sectors for the sustainability of our communities: food and the circular economy. How can these new tools have a positive impact on society? How real can this impact be?

In partnership with The Barn Bio Market – Brussels | La Ferme du parc Maximilien | Kroket | Le Pédalo | Terroirist

Mission: To meet the challenges of a Brussels partner active in the food sector by exploring the possibilities and limits of these new technologies.

This workshop also focused on the ethical and societal issues involved in implementing such tools, in order to provide an overview of this highly topical subject.

In partnership with Repair together

Mission: To respond to various challenges such as repairability and programmed obsolescence by exploring the possibilities and limits of these new technologies.

This workshop also focused on the ethical and societal issues involved in implementing such tools, in order to provide an overview of this highly topical subject.


On 30 November 2023, Ohme hosted at FARI a morning of talks and exchanges to explore the potential of artificial intelligence combined with art to enhance civil participation and engagement in democratic processes, with a focus on climate change issues. This event – free upon registration – was designed for an audience of policymakers, researchers and civil servants working in Belgian public administrations.

9:30 – 10:00 : Reception of participants and the public at FARI’s premises in Be-Central (Cantersteen 16, 1000 Brussels)

10:00 – 10:40 : First talk by Neena Singh of Knowledge center – Data & Society, the central hub for the legal, social and ethical aspects of data-driven applications and AI applications presenting Amai! – Boosting AI Literacy and co-creating AI Solutions for societal challenges.

10:40 – 11:00 : Coffee break

11:00 – 11:40 : Second talk by Antoine Bertin, a French artist working with the research centre Earth Species Project to decode animal language using AI to develop innovative forms of sensibilisation and advocacy practices to raise public awareness on climate change issues.

11:40 – 12:30 : Panel talk with the morning’s speakers and a representative from FARI

12:30 – 13:30 : Networking Lunch

On 22 March 2024, Ohme organised the grand finale of Machines for Good, an international webinar recounting the activities and reflections of this project at the intersection of AI, the arts and social commitment.

What: The culminating online event that unveils the conclusions from a year of activities across Europe, where participants were invited to explore the fusion of AI technology and creativity in addressing issues like sustainability, democracy, climate change, and community.

Why: Learn about the potential transformative power of AI not just as a tool but as a force driving citizen participation. Discover the ideas, solutions, and artistry that have emerged from these workshops, sparking a ripple effect of positive change.

Who: Engage with policymakers, stakeholders, and thought leaders as they dive into the guidelines and policy recommendations shaped by the fresh perspectives of our participants. It’s a conversation that transcends disciplines, fostering dialogue around the role of AI in shaping our shared future.

13:00 – 13:15 INTRODUCTION

13:15 – 13:30 KEYNOTE : Pr. Hugues Bersini, Director of Iridia, Artificial Intelligence research laboratory of the Université Libre de Bruxelles

13:30 – 14:10 MACHINES FOR GOOD: WHAT HAVE WE LEARNED? Conclusions by organisation

AI for sustainable development ➤ Sineglossa (IT)

AI for communities ➤ Baltan Laboratories (NL)

AI for climate ➤ Ohme (BE)

AI for democracy ➤ Fundación Zaragoza Ciudad del Conocimiento – FZC (ES)


14:30 – 15:00  Give your feedback + Q&A


Baltan Laboratories is a cultural indisciplinary lab based in Eindhoven (NL). Baltan Lab focuses on societal issues through a relational approach, creating spaces to rehearse living otherwise. In a world full of complexity, Baltan Lab stands for the importance of interactions between different disciplines to achieve a relational approach able to respond to the environmental, political, social, economic and technological issues we must address today. 

Ohme is an organisation based in Brussels (BE) that creates and produces original content at the intersection of Arts and Sciences. Drawing on a multidisciplinary team of engineers and professionals from the cultural sector as well as a large scientific and artistic network, Ohme’s objective is to develop new forms of scientific mediation, multidisciplinary artistic creation, education and innovation through collaborative practices.

Sineglossa is a cultural organisation based in Ancona (IT) that fosters new sustainable development models in response to global challenges by applying the processes of contemporary art. 

Zaragoza City of Knowledge Foundation (FZC)/Etopia is a private non-profit foundation founded in 2004 based in Zaragoza (ES). Its founding objectives include the dissemination of the progress made by the Knowledge Society to build a more participative, equalitarian, inclusive, and innovative society; open to new developments and opportunities offered when we work at the intersection of art, science and technology.



As a Brussels-based actor around the topics of interdisciplinarity, innovation and collaboration, taking part to the coordination of TRIAXES Ens from 2019 was an opportunity Ohme couldn’t miss !

TRIAXES Ens is an intensive and exciting collaborative project developed jointly with the design, business, engineering and law schools. It brings together students from four faculties to collaborate and integrate design thinking models for both the product prototyping and business model envisaged. This interfaculty master module for MA2 students combines the following features : creativity, multidisciplinarity, entrepreneurship, product development, teamwork and project-based learning. The uniqueness of the program comes from this innovative combination, from how it is integrated in a continuously improving pedagogical ecosystem and from the strong and rare learning outcomes offered by this experience.

Any curriculum at university-level in a specific faculty and scientific field offers few opportunities to exchange, share and collaborate with people having other backgrounds. The TRIAXES methodology offers this opportunity to step outside the specific educational monoculture students faced during higher education. TRIAXES ENS is a practical allegory of what one would call “transdisciplinary synergy”. The collective intelligence of students with different backgrounds, united behind a common goal, leads to creative solutions to complex challenges and tangible results which go beyond what would be possible by simply setting out disciplines side-by- side.

In terms of learning outcomes, this collaborative experience helps to overcome individualism and silo thinking and to acquire new sustainable (meta-)skills and mindsets which are key success factors in the (post-graduated) real-life world of work: open-mindedness, critical thinking, perspective shifting, knowledge transfer, teamwork mentality, task breakdown, introspection, etc. Moreover, the project-based learning approach motivates the students by actively engaging them in a real-world
and personally meaningful project.

From 2013 to present, 89 students have taken part to TRIAXES Ens projects. The 2019-20 edition signalled the end of the first chapter. Indeed, we have new perspectives and ambitions for TRIAXES Ens programmes. We’re currently working with the supervisory team on two new formats: TRIAXES Ens Master Theses and TRIAXES Ens Advanced Master.

Our highest desire and ambition is to go even further in interdisciplinarity by involving people with broader backgrounds: artists, biologist, architects, musicians, philosophers, etc. More info soon!