The Colour Shifts

What is colour? Where does it come from, is it a quality of the matter, a property of light, or a reinterpretation of reality by our senses and brains? How is it related to our moods, emotions and wellbeing? Do we all see it the same way?
Colour is an elusive thing.
We can describe it in terms of hue, lightness, and saturation. We can talk about its physical origins, or about its intrinsic role in artistic practices. We can explore its implications in psychology and neuroscience, and delve into considerations about its subjective perception.
These questions have fascinated artists and scientists alike for centuries, and still today never cease to be explored and reinvented.
In The Colour Shifts, some of the artists supported by Ohme over the last two years explore the intricate and delicate interplay between shifting colours and our senses. Their works are presented alongside ongoing technical research conducted by Ohme itself.
Presenting an overview of the creative process and the artistic, scientific and technical explorations underway, The Colour Shifts is built around the concept of ‘Work in Progress’, displaying projects at different stages of development, ranging from initial conception to final realisation.
In this way, a dialogue between the gradual materialisation of ideas and the finished work unfolds from room to room, inviting us to explore, slow down, contemplate, and play.
With Karl Cazavet | Clara Duflos | Yannick Jacquet | Otto Lindholm | Adrien Lucca | Ohme | Thomas Raa
Learn more about the artworks
Colorillon | Adrien Lucca
Monochromes | Yannick Jacquet & Otto Lindholm
Tales of Entropy
The Colour Shifts in pictures

Public programme
Every Friday the exhibition The Colour Shifts is open to the public until 22:00 with guided visits, live shows, workshops, DJ sets, and food trucks

Friday 09.02
19:00 – 20:00 Exhibition guided visit
20:30 – 21:00 Monochromes double bass live – Otto Lindholm & Yannick Jacquet
21:00 – 24:00 DJ sets
Froday 16.02
19:00 – 20:00 Exhibition guided visit
20:00 – 20:30 Monochromes Harp Activation of the installation by Margareth Hermant (Echo Collective),
21:00 – 22:00 Gnawa live – Maâlem Dris Filali & Koyo de Bxl
22:00 – 03:30 Party night à LaVallée ! with Giraffes & Penguins – Line up: Rafael Aragon, DiDi tropical djipsies, Rebelup Sebcat, Le grand Méchant Loop
Friday 23.02
19:00 – 19:30 Visite guidée de l’exposition
19:30 – 20:30 Otto Lindholm Live Concert
20:30 – 22:30 Roméo Poirier DJ set + Tales of Entropy – microscopie live et talk by Ohme Lab
Friday 01.03 – finissage
19:00 – 20:00 Exhibition guided visit
21:00 – 24:00 DJ sets
Practical information
The colour shifts
from 3 February to 2 March 2024
Vernissage : 02 february from 18:00 to 22:00
Opening hours
Wednesday to Friday, from 14:00 to 19:00
Saturday & Sunday, from 11.00 to 19:00
Closed on Mondays & Tuesdays
Pay what you can*
* What is “Pay What You Can”?
An inclusive system that makes culture accessible to all.
We believe in a fairer world where the price of a ticket is no longer a barrier to access to culture, and where everyone has the opportunity to assess what they can spend according to their situation.
With Pay what you can, you decide for yourself how much you can spend on admission to an exhibition or event.
The Colour Shifts is an exhibition conceived and produced by Ohme
with the support of :
Région de Bruxelles-Capitale – Innoviris | Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles | Loterie Nationale – National Lottery | COCOF